Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeTravelAmericans' average commute distance, mapped

Americans’ average commute distance, mapped

Data: Replica; Map: Alice Feng/Axios

Residents in Monroe County, Pennsylvania (70 miles), Coconino County, Arizona (68.6), and Parker County, Texas (66.7) travel the most daily miles per person among counties with more than 100,000 residents.

The flipside: New York City accounts for all three counties with the lowest number of daily miles traveled — no surprise there, given the area’s density.

  • It’s 12.9 miles for New York County (Manhattan), 15.5 for Kings County (Brooklyn) and 16.6 for Bronx County.
  • People in the U.S. travel a nationwide average of 42 daily miles.
  • That’s per data from mobility analytics platform Replica, which is based on anonymized mobile device info, roadside sensors, transit agencies and more.

Why it matters: These numbers offer a compelling snapshot of differing mobility trends and needs across the country.

  • The data can also help policymakers, transit advocates and others figure out what transportation solutions or changes make the most sense for their communities..

How it works: Replica’s estimates are based on a typical spring weekday in 2023.

  • They factor in all forms of transportation, including personal vehicles, public transportation, taxis/rideshares, walking, and biking.

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