Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeScienceCan't find eclipse glasses? Make this pinhole viewer

Can’t find eclipse glasses? Make this pinhole viewer

Data: NASA; Infographic: Lindsey Bailey/Axios
Data: NASA; Infographic: Lindsey Bailey/Axios

If you can’t find proper viewing glasses to view the total solar eclipse on April 8, you can make a pinhole viewing camera.

Why it matters: Glasses may be hard to find.

How it works: A pinhole camera projects the eclipse onto a small piece of card stock.

Our thought bubble: Bob Gee, Axios’ Texas bureau chief, made a pinhole camera during a previous eclipse: “We made pinhole cameras using cereal boxes. It was a fun activity for the kids and they worked!”

Threat level: Staring straight at the Sun without proper glasses could damage your vision.

  • A list of reputable manufacturers and authorized vendors can be found here.

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