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HomeTravelChanging of the guard at Corporate Travel Management

Changing of the guard at Corporate Travel Management

Corporate Travel Management’s North America CEO Kevin O’Malley will step down from the role on Aug. 30. Succeeding him will be Anita Salvatore, currently the travel management company’s COO North America.

Corporate Travel Management (CTM) is based in Brisbane, Australia, and has its U.S. headquarters in Omaha, Neb.

Salvatore has been in the travel industry since 1988. She joined CTM in 2016, starting in customer-facing roles before taking on executive leadership posts.

She is a founding member of Women in Travel.

“I have the greatest respect for Anita and am confident she will do a great job leading the charge for us as we move forward with our five-year strategic growth plan,” CTM founder and managing director Jamie Pherous said in a release.

O’Malley’s career began in 1994 at Travel and Transport. He spent 17 years as its CFO and his last six as CEO. 

Travel and Transport was sold to CTM in 2020 for $200.4 million. At the time, CTM ranked No. 11 on the Power List with 2019 sales of $5 billion, and Travel and Transport was No. 13 with $3.5 billion in 2019 sales.

After O’Malley vacates the top spot at CTM, he will become a strategic advisor to the company.

“After 30 years leading in an industry I’m passionate about, the time has come for me to step away from the CEO role here at CTM and to hand the reins over to Anita,” O’Malley said. “My commitment to CTM was to get our North America employees and customers through the pandemic and to rebuild and integrate the businesses coming out of an extremely trying time. We have successfully done this, and I feel like now is the right time for me to step away.”

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