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HomeAustraliaQld election 2020: Early voters smash election record

Qld election 2020: Early voters smash election record

There’s still four days to go until the Queensland state election and already more people have voted early than ever before.

More than 740,000 had already had their say on Monday night as to who they want to lead the Sunshine State, spurred into action to avoid crowds on Saturday to limit exposure to the coronavirus pandemic.

The state poll will be the first major election in Australia since the virus turned the world upside down, though the Electoral Commission of Queensland has assured voters the democracy sausage will be available on booths.

RELATED: All the latest from the Queensland election

“The ECQ has developed an Election Service Plan that details how voting venues remain COVID-safe and ensures electors can move through the voting process easily and safely,” commissioner Pat Vidgen said.

“This means any fundraising activities must provide clear access for electors to and from the voting venue, and practice social distancing, good hand hygiene and regular cleaning.”

Incumbent Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk faces an uphill battle to form a majority over her LNP rival challenger Deb Frecklington. 

Follow the election blog below for the latest from the campaign trail.

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