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HomeAustraliaRain Drenches North Florida Amid Tallahassee Tornado Warning

Rain Drenches North Florida Amid Tallahassee Tornado Warning

Rain drenched Tallahassee, Florida, as a tornado touched down in Leon County on Wednesday, January 27, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). The weather service said a tornado touched down in Leon County just before 11:45 am, urging residents to “take cover.” The NWS issued a tornado warning for Tallahassee and other surrounding communities on Wednesday. Twitter user @tropicalupdater said this video of stormy conditions was filmed at Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee on Wednesday. The NWS said the tornado hit near the Tallahassee International Airport, adding that the NWS Tallahassee office on FSU’s campus was not affected. Credit: @tropicalupdater via Storyful

Rain drenched Tallahassee, Florida, as a tornado touched down in Leon County on Wednesday, January 27, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). The weather service said a tornado touched down in Leon County just before 11:45 am, urging residents to “take cover.” The NWS issued a tornado warning for Tallahassee and other surrounding communities on Wednesday. Twitter user @tropicalupdater said this video of stormy conditions was filmed at Florida State University (FSU) in Tallahassee on Wednesday. The NWS said the tornado hit near the Tallahassee International Airport, adding that the NWS Tallahassee office on FSU’s campus was not affected. Credit: @tropicalupdater via Storyful

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