Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeWorldRon Johnson did Russia's 'bidding' on Biden, Lev Parnas tells Congress

Ron Johnson did Russia’s ‘bidding’ on Biden, Lev Parnas tells Congress

WASHINGTON – A former affiliate of ex-Trump legal professional Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday accused Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson of “doing the bidding” of Russia in his makes an attempt to search out proof of corruption linked to the Biden household.

Lev Parnas, who labored with Giuliani to dig up damaging data in Ukraine on Joe Biden and his son Hunter within the runup to the 2020 election, talked about the Oshkosh Republican as he described to the Home Oversight Committee efforts from Donald Trump and allies to “manipulate the general public” with unvetted details about the Bidens.

Parnas instructed the panel that Donald Trump, Giuliani and “varied cohorts of people in authorities and media positions” lied to the general public. He stated accusations of Biden’s corruption “have been unfaithful then, they usually’re unfaithful now.”

“Congressman Pete Periods, then-Congressman Devin Nunes, Sen. Ron Johnson and lots of others understood they have been pushing a false narrative,” Parnas stated. He referenced right-wing media personalities and Fox Information for utilizing “this narrative to control the general public forward of the 2020 election.”

A spokeswoman for Johnson dismissed the feedback as “baseless.”

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