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Train for your next running event and be stronger than ever – Sport360 News

Coronavirus lockdown restrictions are easing in many countries and runners are finally able to test their mettle outside. However, as tempting as it is to navigate the roads and trails for hours on end, it may be wise to ease yourself back into the sport, especially with no races on the horizon.

Here are some tips to help you return to racing injury-free and faster than ever.

Don’t rush back into it

Avoid the temptation to rush back into your old programme. You might feel fresh and strong, but don’t be tempted to clock the same mileage or do the same volume of sprints as before. Your body might not be ready.

Most people pick up injuries because they do too much, too soon. Just because they’ve reached a certain level before the break in racing season, they automatically think they can get back to those same elevated ways straight away.

Reduce the number of kilometres and add some strength exercises to vary the load. It’s all about building that base again and getting the body right.

Strength training

Strength training is not always fun, hence why it is often neglected by people. We all want to do exercises that we are good at, instead of the ones that are going to improve our weaknesses.

People like to keep to what they are good at, instead of minimising those frail areas. Even putting aside a small amount of time to build on these things will benefit your training.

Another thing to incorporate is some activation work before going to the gym or running outside. Having those muscles firing quickly allows them to work more efficiently and reduces the risk of injury.

Mobility is key

Flexibility is important as an athlete, however, it is not the same as mobility. The latter is about range of motion, not just how far you can stretch a muscle.

A flexible person may or may not have the core strength or balance to perform the same functional movements as a person with greater mobility.

Hip mobility and ankle mobility are so important. If you have problems with your mobility, then it will lead to further injuries. If you are unsure of different exercises to introduce into your daily programme, check out YouTube or consult a friend for assistance.


Even though lockdown is easing, the race calendar is still sparse and there is no indication as to when certain events will resume.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to hit that level of fitness that you held prior to the pandemic.

Enjoy your running and take confidence from that fact that your best form will come back steadily over the next few weeks.

Whatever weaknesses or imbalances you have, now is the right time to strengthen them.

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